
Mario Luzi 1914-2014: the Man and the Verbum

Feb 13, 2015 - Feb 14, 2015 (All Day) | Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts - Van Pelt-Dietrich Library, 6th floor - 3420 Walnut St.

The Centerfor Italian Studies at the University of Ƶsylvania will celebrate the centennial of the birth of Italian poet Mario Luzi (1914-2005) with an international conference that will be held inʳ󾱱󾱲, February 13-14, 2015. Plenary speakers will include the poet's son, Gianni Luzi, in addition to Alain Elkann, Fabio Finotti, Massimo Gennari, Ernesto Livorni, Marco Marchi, and Silvio Ramat.

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R. Magritte, The Kiss

As poet, dramatist, critic, and intellectual,Mario Luzi wasdeeply invested in the civic and spiritual life of the Novecento. His writing has always been anthropology in theform ofwords. The conference with which we celebrate the centennial of his birth aims at exploring the many facets of his life as writer and as man in relation to the historical horizon that Luzi contributed not only to animate but also to transform and imagine in new ways, as an exemplary incarnation of the creative energy of the “Verbum”.

The conference is organized in collaboration with Università di Firenze,Università degli Studi di Trieste, and laFondazioneNY.

Scientific Committee:

Cristina Benussi, Anna Dolfi, Fabio Finotti, Gianni Luzi, Marco Marchi, Carlo Ossola, Riccardo Viale.

President: Fabio Finotti.

Organizing Committee:

Selika Cerofolini, Fabio Finotti, Massimo Gennari, Marina Johnston, Marco Marchi, Renata Rosati , Giorgio Tabanelli.

Secretary: Marina Johnston.


Students $70

Registration is required only of speakers, by January 20, 2015. Attendance is free to the general public.

Conference Program

Click the title above to view and download the full conference program.

Please visit the site of for information about the poet and a sampling of his works. Click on the title to watch the trailer of Marco Marchi's documentary on Luzi, .

Please follow the links for travel information/ Seguite i link per informazioni utili: