Norman Rusin

Adjunct Faculty, Salve Regina University

I graduated cum laude in Communication Sciences and Journalism at the University of Trieste in 2007, and was appointed Cultore della materia in Italian Language and Literature. The same year I won the International Journalism Prize “Maria Grazia Cutuli”.   So far, I have analyzed journalistic language, focusing on language of embedded war reporters, through a semiotic perspective, based on Louis Hjelmslev’s linguistic theory. I was interested in journalistic language because I have been working as a free – lance journalist in Italy since 2001.

I want to continue my studies to focus at a deeper level on Italian culture, following a semiotic perspective. I’m particularly interested in and fascinated by the Italian emigrant culture and its relationship with hosts cultures. This is one of the reasons that made me decide to come to the University of Ƶsylvania: it is well connected with the city of Philadelphia, in which there is a large community of Italian immigrants. Studying at Ƶ is a great opportunity for personal growth and professional development.